Piling Repair

There are 2 types of piling repairs              
Is your home located near the water or on an island? Are you having cracks form in your masonry foundation? Are doors and windows not working properly? You could have rotten pilings located below your foundation that require repair. This type of piling repair is called a Piling Cap. Our team digs up, cuts the piling, and extends your foundation onto a sound footprint. This type of repair involves hand digging when there is limited space

Why Choose Us

A wooden piling life expectancy is around 30 years, depending on the type of wood, installation methods, treatment, age, and environmental conditions. Our team digs up, cuts the piling, and extends your foundation onto a sound footprint.  
Is your house elevated with your pilings exposed below your home? These pilings rot/decay like any other wooden pilings, but in some cases, they rot from the inside out. This type of repair is called a Shiplap or Splicing of a piling.

This type of repair involves some of the same elements as the Piling Cap but instead of extending the masonary foundation to the sound wood a new piece of piling is spliced from where the existing piling was cut to the waler or beam above supporting the home, almost like a puzzle piece. The life expectancy varies depending on the type of wood, installation methods, treatment, age, and environmental conditions.  
Buying a house near the water? Call today for a free piling inspection!

Main Points

  • Expertise in Piling Caps Repair
  • Advanced Repair Techniques
  • Cost-effective Solutions
  • Commitment to Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Working Process


Assessment and Diagnosis


Customized Repair Plans


Timely Project Completion

Open Hours

Mon – Sat: 9AM – 6PM.
Sunday: Closed.